Terms & Conditions
Product Descriptions
We aim to be accurate as possible when describing and displaying products in our shop. However, items may occasionally be described inaccurately, or unavailable. Certain weights, measures and similar descriptions are approximate and are provided for convenience purposes only, and fit and sizing may vary between products. The particular technical specifications and settings of your computer and its display could affect the accuracy of its display of the colors of products offered. We reserve the right to change or update information and to correct errors, inaccuracies, or omissions at any time without prior notice.
Pricing & Payment
The price for all goods will be as quoted. The prices displayed are quoted in U.S. dollars. Prices and availability information are subject to change without notice. Prices do not include sales tax, where applicable, or delivery costs, both of which you agree to pay upon ordering.
Order Acceptance
All orders placed by you are subject to acceptance by the STTY BRAND and all items are subject to availability. Acknowledgement of your order means that the STTY BRAND has received your order request; it does not mean that your order has been accepted or shipped, or that the price or availability of an item has been confirmed. The STTY BRAND may in its discretion require additional verification or information before accepting any order. The STTY BRAND reserves the right, without prior notice and in its sole discretion, to refuse or cancel any order for any reason.